Academics and Business

How To Balance Your Business And Academics As A Student

Are you a student involved in any kind of business to raise money? Does your business affect your academic performance? If yes, then this article is for you. It will serve as a detailed guide to help you balance your business and academics while in school. Read to the end!

“You cannot serve two masters at a time…” I know those lines may be ringing a bell. Students are always advised to avoid distractions in school and focus on why they left home for school.

What then happens to students when these distractions cannot be avoided because fees and dues must be paid, and many financial needs in school cannot be overlooked? Most students take up jobs or start-up businesses to help settle these needs.

There tends always to be a problem. Most business class students always have to balance their academic and business lives.

This article will focus on helping this set of students overcome this challenge.

Tips For Balancing Your Academics and Business

To balance your academics and business, you need to:

  • Have a positive mindset:

Joseph Taylor once said, “Your mindset determines how you perceive and connect to the world around you.” Our mindset controls a significant percentage of our actions and inactions, so it is crucial to have a positive mindset.

Russ Harris also said, “The mind enables us to shape the world around us and conform it to our wishes, to provide ourselves with warmth, shelter, food, water, protection, sanitation and medicine”.

To be a balanced business class student, you must change your impossibility mindset and start seeing possibilities in every situation. Your leap towards a balanced academic-business life starts with believing that you can be outstanding in your academics and business.

  • Set your academics and business priorities right:

As a business-class student, you need to understand your primary purpose of being in school. You also need to understand that once you graduate from high school, you will not have the opportunity to go back and make up for any poor grades you have gotten while in school.

Hence, you need to be very committed to your studies. Be sensitive enough to know when to put a hold on business activities to attend to your academic work. Implement policies that your clients should be aware of on how you run your business so that it doesn’t affect your academic work.

  • Avoid distractions:

Distractions will always come in unnecessary chit-chat, movies, extracurricular activities, or other forms. You should remember that, as a business class student, you do not have all the time in the world, as opposed to your colleagues who are not in business.

It would be better to reduce or totally eliminate unnecessary activities to save enough time for your business and academics.

  • Avoid procrastination:

In the words of Donald Gardner, “Do you know what happens when you give a procrastinator a good idea? Nothing”.

Wayne Gretzky also said: “Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases, and its toll on success and happiness is heavy”.

As a business-class student, procrastination is the last thing you want to give in to. Instead of waiting to analyze how to do that work, you should do it already. Procrastination is not an option.

  • Choose your friends with caution:

choose like-minded friends

“Birds of a feather fly together…” says a familiar cliché. When your friends are people with opposing goals and aspirations or who do not see sense in your work, it becomes a problem.

When choosing friends as a business-class student, pay close attention to how they see your goals. Your friends should share your ideology.

They should be those who believe in you and your dreams and who can lift you up when you are at your lowest.

  • Do not just work hard; work smart in your academics and business:

Someone said, “Work hard, and you will earn good rewards; work smart, and you will earn great rewards; work hard and smart, and you will earn extraordinary rewards”.

 Working hard is not enough; smart work is vital. Be smart enough to know how to manage your time, energy, and resources to gain extraordinary rewards.

  • Get an assistant when and where necessary:

Working innovatively can be applied to knowing when and where an assistant can come in. Instead of making deliveries personally to your customers, you could employ the service of a dispatch rider.

Instead of replying to business chats or emails during business hours, you should be studying. You could employ someone else who can ease you off that work. This will also create more time for you to focus on your academics.

Is it possible to be an outstanding business class student? The answer is YES!!!

I am confident that you can now run your business and academics concurrently. This article has given salient tips on combining the two endeavours and achieving success.

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