undergraduate project

How To Do Undergraduate Projects

As the end of every undergraduate academic programme approaches, students are allotted to different supervisors to carry out undergraduate projects to partially fulfil the requirements for their bachelor’s degrees. This is a prerequisite for any student to be certificated for graduation.

It is unfortunate that so many students, whenever it is time for them to do their undergraduate projects, resort to hiring external parties who they assume know how to do it better than them. Some students are so confused about how to even start the project work, and only a few students in Nigeria can boast of doing their undergraduate projects by themselves. This is quite abnormal!

It is because of the stated issues that have posed a significant drawback to the growth of the educational sector in the country. If the graduating students can do their respective undergraduate projects correctly by themselves, they will appreciate the value of their certificates since they can contribute to solving a problem in the country.

As an undergraduate, you need to learn how to do undergraduate projects before approaching the end of your studies, that is, the final year. This may not be taught practically in some of the High institutions in Nigeria, but there are still other ways to learn it.

The primary purpose of publishing this post is to provide the necessary guidelines for those interested in doing their undergraduate projects independently. If you have been searching for information on how to do undergraduate projects, the materials you need, and the step-by-step procedures, ensure you read this article carefully to the end for more detailed information.

Requirements to Do Undergraduate Projects

Anyone is required to start doing undergraduate projects. They are:

You must be an undergraduate student:

Undergraduate project work is specifically designed for students still in their undergraduate programs, not those who have graduated. The project is just like ensuring that they will be able to solve problems with the knowledge they have gathered in the course of their study. This implies that any student unable to do undergraduate projects is not qualified to graduate and should not be given a graduation certificate.

The Student must be in the Final Year:

A student qualified to do an undergraduate project should be in the final year or near the end of his/her studies. In some institutions, project topics are usually given to students while they are still in the 400-level (for those in 5-year courses) or 300-level (for those in 4-year courses). The department’s goal in making it available on time is to ensure that students can complete it before the end of their finals.

This is helpful for those whose projects might be more complex than expected. It will give them the opportunity to start research on time and prepare the needed materials.

You must have the Materials needed

Every undergraduate project work requires specific materials and methods, and before the commencement of the research, students are expected to know and get ready all the needed materials

Practical Steps on Doing Undergraduate Projects

The following is the practical step-by-step procedure for doing undergraduate projects. Kindly follow the steps to complete your work:

  1. Get a topic
  2. Understand the problem to be solved
  3. Organize your materials and methods
  4. Go to the field for the collection of data
  5. Do your data analysis
  6. Get your Result
  7. Draw your conclusion based on the result you have obtained.

The above steps are the practical ways to ensure a successful undergraduate project work.

How to Arrange Undergraduate Projects

If you are looking for the best way to present your undergraduate project work after writing it, you have to take this section of the article very seriously. The most recommended way to arrange undergraduate project work is as follows:

Contents Pages

  • Title page
  • Certification
  • Dedication
  • Acknowledgement
  • Abstract
  • Table of contents
  • List of tables

Chapter One: Introduction

  • Background to the study
  • Problem statement
  • Objectives of the Study
  • Justification of the study

Chapter Two:

  • Literature Review

Chapter Three: Methodology

  • Study area
  • Sampling Procedure
  • Data collection
  • Methods of data analysis
  • Specification of models

Chapter Four:

  • Result and Discussion

Chapter Five:

  • Summary
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations


For reference, you are expected to make a complete list of other people’s work that you cited during your project. While making your references, ensure you adhere to a pattern of referencing.

To arrange your work ideally, you should follow the pattern I listed above. However, any adjustment to the pattern above will depend on the school and department.

I hope this article has answered your questions. If you need more guidelines on how to Do Undergraduate Projects, kindly ask your question via the comment section below.

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